Immerse Yourself In French Literature
Our book club, Cercle de lecture, is for more advanced speakers who would like to improve speaking and comprehension while reading and analyzing some of the best stories written by French authors. For zoom meeting details or more information, please contact Virginie Perez Woods at
Sundays every 6 to 8 weeks from 2:00-4:00pm CDT
Click here for details about the next zoom meeting en français
Upcoming Books :
26 janvier: La Carte Postale d’Anne Berest
16 mars: La Chevauchee de la Délivrance de Michel Cosem
18 mai: Que ta Volonté soit Faite de Maxime Chattam
29 juin : Lame de Fond de Linda Lê
24 aout : Au Bonheur des Dames d’Emile Zola
Cercle de lecture meetings are held over Zoom.
For details email
When it is safe to do so, we look forward to reconvening at Full Circle Bookstore, 1600 Northwest Expressway in Oklahoma City
Participation in Cercle de lecture is free for members however, we encourage you to patronize our gracious hosts, Full Circle, have a coffee and whenever available, consider purchasing your copy of the book from the store.